Maya Zenner

Maya Zenner

Class Year



Racine, Wis.


Computer Science, Chinese

A recipient of the Highest Honors Scholarship, Maya Zenner ’25 enjoys being part of Carthage’s Honors Program ——这为她在课堂内外提供了难以置信的机会. In the future, she hopes to use both her Chinese and computer science degrees to work abroad in China or Taiwan.

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“我选择bv伟德ios下载主要是因为它的规模和这里提供的专业. 我来自一所很小的高中,所以bv伟德ios下载的规模使我很容易适应.”

Maya Zenner, ’25

Faculty mentors

“到目前为止,我遇到的每一位教授都给予了我惊人的支持和帮助. 如果我有任何问题,我的许多教授总是在他们的办公时间开放, 无论是关于课堂作业还是家庭作业, 去年我在一门课上遇到困难时,这对我帮助很大.”

Favorite class

“我在bv伟德ios下载最喜欢的课程不是中国文学和语言就是芭蕾I. In my Chinese Lit class, 我们读了很多书,也看了一些电影,这有助于扩大我对世界的看法,更多地了解中国文化,以及中国文化如何在文学和媒体中得到反映.

“这学期学习芭蕾I是一段美妙的经历. Although I am not a dance student, I have always wanted to take ballet classes; I danced for a bit when I was younger but then quit, 因为我当时也在上跆拳道课. 这节课是一个美好的早晨的开始, 我真的很期待每个星期一(想象一下)!) and Wednesday each week.”

Campus involvement

“I am the vice president of the Martial Arts Clubbv伟德ios下载,这是一次很棒的经历. Previously, the club had fallen out of popularity, but last year, my friend Lily, now president, and I brought it back. 俱乐部发展很快,我的一些最好的朋友都在俱乐部里. 我们每周的参加人数惊人,平均有10到14人! 看着俱乐部成长真是不可思议, 从最初的几个班级只有几个学生到现在几乎是bv伟德ios下载一个普通班级的规模. 我为电子公告板和每个每周出现的人感到骄傲——看到他们的成长和进步真是太棒了, and we have all grown so close. I am also a member of Carthage’s Model United Nations这给了我很多很好的机会和友谊.”

Golden opportunities

“去年,作为一名大一新生,我抓住了很多绝佳的机会. The program that has, as of now, 给了我参加bv伟德ios下载模拟联合国的绝佳机会. I joined at the beginning of last year. 我一直对高中的模联俱乐部很感兴趣,但从未加入, as I was pretty intimidated. 然而,去年我抓住了这个机会,把我的名字放在了邮件列表上. 我一点也不知道我会在这个俱乐部里交到一些最好的朋友, 以及有机会出国旅游! 在第一次会议上,我很紧张,但是每个人都很热情. 然而,真正的破冰者是那年11月在芝加哥召开的年度联合国大会. Even though I felt way in over my head, I went to the conference, learned so much, and picked up some incredible experiences. 在芝加哥的那个周末帮助我了解了俱乐部的其他成员. It made me realize that for many of them, this was their first conference as well, 这帮你减轻了很多压力, 我可以放松一下,把这次会议当作一个学习的机会. That spring, bv伟德ios下载MUN得以前往巴塞罗那, Spain, for our international conference, 一次难以置信的经历,我永远不会忘记. 我从来没有想过,作为一名大一新生,我能有这些经历, 我永远感激那些使这一切成为可能的人.”

Favorite spot on campus

“在秋天和春天,我喜欢坐在树下读书. The view of the lake is absolutely stunning. 有时我忘了它在“哦耶”里, it’s Lake Michigan right outside my dorm, no big deal’ type of way, but on certain days it takes my breath away. 我是作为一个从来没有住在离湖20分钟路程以外的人说这番话的.”

Favorite memory

“The Mid-Autumn Festival, hosted by the Chinese program, 是我大一最美好的回忆之一吗. It was about a month into the school year, and I was still very shy and quiet, as I didn’t know many people then. 中秋节太棒了——我们喝了茶,吃了各种中国甜点,比如月饼(10/10推荐)。, and we played games. 那天晚上我学会了打麻将(现在我有了自己的一套),认识了很多人, surprisingly, wound up in many clubs I am in. 它的联系比你想象的要紧密得多——中国俱乐部之间有很大的重叠, Martial Arts, and Model UN. 英雄所见略同之类的吧.”

Biggest surprise

“到目前为止,对我来说最大的惊喜是我很快就适应了伟德手机APP. 事实上,这对我来说是一个非常容易的转变,绝对值得. There’s always something to do after class, 无论是我参加的某个俱乐部,还是看朋友演的一出戏, to the infamous bingo nights on campus.”

Advice for other students in your major?

给你一些建议:早点开始工作,不要拖到最后一刻! Especially computer science projects. 此外,如果你还不知道你想要的专业和/或辅修是什么也没关系! 大一的时候,我上了各种各样的课,从 business to graphic design and dance, and this year I’m taking a political science class. 参加这么多的课程帮助我找到了我真正感兴趣的东西, 也给了我广泛的经验, and overall, 使我成为一个更全面的人.”


“我想8岁的我一定会印象深刻. 当我八岁的时候,我想成为一名兽医,就像许多孩子一样. However, as I grew up, I realized that that wasn’t the path for me, 我的职业道路来了个180度大转弯——从工作到生活, breathing animals to computers. 不过我觉得我不会做任何改变.”